Quality for over 60 years.

Our company has been engaged in veal fattening and customised veal marketing for over 60 years. Then and now, we are a family business that is constantly evolving. Today we are one of the largest veal marketers in Austria and we always market the best Austrian quality.

Our philosophy

A company with tradition.

Gassner GmbH is an extended family business with a long tradition. For more than 60 years, we have been producing and marketing veal. In so doing, we always focus on fairness, as well as the promotion, targeted training and further education of our employees. We partner up with our local farmers and offer a full range of veal products. Our philosophy is striving for top quality.

Aufnahme von vier Fleischern bei der Arbeit am Fleischtisch im Zerlegebetrieb in Weiz der Gassner GmbH
Foto eines rohen Kalbsbraten, präsentiert auf einem Holzbrett, dekoriert mit groben Salz und Rosmarin
Foto eines zubereiteten Kalbssteaks der Gassner GmbH, präsentiert auf einer schwarzen Schieferplatte, dekoriert mit Rosmarin, groben Salz und zwei Bratkartoffeln


Regionality is our top priority.

Our veal comes exclusively from Austria. We have long-established, reliable partnerships with local farmers. In this way we can guarantee the best quality from local production.

Our products

Regionality straight on your plate.

Foto eines rohen marinierten Kalbsteak der Gassner GmbH, präsentiert auf einem Holzbrett, dekoriert mit groben Salz und Rosmarin
Foto eines rohen Kalbsbraten der Gassner GmbH, präsentiert auf einem Holzbrett, dekoriert mit groben Salz und Rosmarin
Foto eines zubereiteten marinierten Kalbsteak der Gassner GmbH, präsentiert auf einer schwarzen Schieferplatte, angerichtet mit gegrillten grünen Spargel und Bratkartoffeln
Aufnahme der Photovoltaikanlage der Gassner GmbH am Dach des Betriebsgebäude in Weiz


We look into our future in a responsible and sustainable manner ...

We always strive to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. In 2020 we have therefore decided to set up a photovoltaic plant at our locations in Graz and Weiz. In this way we have a total of almost 500 photovoltaic elements in use, which produce 110MWh and 77MWh respectively eco-friendly electricity all year round. In addition, we have set up a 45Wh storage system at our Graz location, which allows us to store some of the electricity that we produce and to be self-sufficient even in bad weather conditions or in the dark.


… also with the packaging.

Bei unseren Verpackungstechnologien sind wir stets bemüht, nachhaltig und ressourcenschonend zu agieren. Unsere neueste Errungenschaft ist eine Flat-Skin-Maschine, welche wir uns im Jahre 2022 zugelegt haben. Das dazu zu verwendende Verpackungsmaterial ist optimal zu lagern und zu transportieren. Dies führt zu einer Minimierung der benötigten Abstellfläche. Die “Boards” sind so ausgelegt, dass so viel Schutz und Funktion für das Produkt wie möglich und so wenig Verpackungsmaterial wie nötig, anfällt. Die Verpackung besteht zu rund 90% aus Karton und einer dünnen Kunststofffolie, um die optimale Haltbarkeit über einem längeren Zeitraum zu gewährleisten. Durch den speziellen Karton wird dem Endprodukt Steifheit und Festigkeit verliehen. Der Konsument kann die Folie vom Karton unkompliziert trennen und diese separat entsorgen. Wir sind stets bemüht, neue umweltfreundliche Verpackungstechnologien auszuprobieren.

Ein Foto der Flat-Skin-Maschine der Gassner GmbH

Our services

Gassner GmbH will help you with the processing and receipt of farm calves should you decide to work with us. You will receive calves by delivery or you can pick them up yourself. Contractually regulated, we will buy back the fattened calves on the agreed date.

We support you with our many years of professional knowledge not only in the provision of calves but also beforehand and during the fattening process. Based on our experience we can give you tips on how veal fattening can work at your specific location. We support you right through to the finished fattened calves and guarantee purchasing them.

We produce for the organic program JA! Natürlich the desired amount of fresh organic veal every week. In addition to their mother's milk, organic calves also get fresh, juicy grass, herbs and hay, have access to exercise and contact with their peers.

Gassner GmbH is able to cut and pack any part of the veal that you need according to your wishes.

Are you looking for a partner for beef, lamb or game meat cutting and packaging? Then get in touch with us. Dann melden Sie sich bei uns.

We cut, portion and pack a wide variety of meat products ready for the shelf for all retail brands.

Food safety

Best quality is our top priority.

Our company is constantly striving to produce top quality. To this end, we carry out random internal tests in our in-house laboratory. In addition, random tests are carried out in external laboratories during product development.

In addition, we are subjected to countless checks every year and are being asked to show HACCP concepts. This enables us to permanently meet the requirements of food safety and quality and exceed all legal regulations.

Permanent temperature monitoring is also standard for us. Every cold and deep-freeze store and every production room is monitored and recorded around the clock. Finally, the temperature of transport and delivery is also recorded so that any temperature deviation can be corrected immediately.

We continually strive to educate and train our staff on food safety and regulations. Employees are also taught new internal company regulations.

Aufnahme des Betriebes der Gassner GmbH. Im Vordergrund befinden sich rote Plastikkisten, im linken Hintergrund des Bildes sieht man Fleischer bei der Arbeit am Fleischtisch, im rechten Bildhintergrund sieht man Kalb Karkassen hängend.

Gassner veal is excellent. Not only our customers say that, but also ...

Goldene Lukullus 2007 der Gassner GmbH
IFS Food Logo
Bio Austria Partner Logo
AMA Gütesiegel Austria Logo
AMA Bio Siegel Logo

Immerse yourself in our company history.

  • 1960

    The company history begins when Franz Gassner sen. bought the first calves in 1960. Then and now, the calves were raised using powdered milk. At that time, the weight of calves that were slaughtered was around 100kg. We were the first and only ones who chose this branch of agriculture.

  • 1965

    In the early stage of our company we bought calves only directly from farms. This changed later when we started to purchase calves also at Styrian calf markets. To this day, this aspect has not changed much and we buy a significant proportion of our calves at calf markets in Styria.

  • 1975

    Purchase of our first cattle truck. We also started to invest in new fattening stables in Graz and converted an existing pigsty into a calf barn. 

  • 1980

    From 1980, the Gassner label can be found on every product that we sell. In addition, our calves were voluntarily provided with ear tags. Even then, the traceability of each part could be guaranteed and the origin traced.

  • 1995

    New construction of our feed store in Graz. The fattening barn was also converted to straw and group housing. In addition, the construction and co-development of the AMA seal of approval began.  

  • 2000

    Construction of the new residential building in Graz. In addition, an office building was built next door as the central control body for Gassner GmbH.

  • 2006

    Due to the high demand, we decided to set up a new cutting plant in Weiz, where we cut, pack and deliver veal according to customer requirements. Gassner GmbH was also included in the exclusive organic program of “Ja! Natürlich”.

  • 2007

    First certification of our cutting plant according to IFS (International Food Standard).

  • 2008

    Purchase of a new cattle truck that has been specifically designed for the transport of calves, so that live animals can be transported in a stress-free and comfortable manner.

  • 2011

    Construction of the most modern calf fattening barn in Austria at our location in Graz. Great attention was paid to stress-free and species-appropriate animal husbandry. With this investment we are able to customise veal in terms of size, quality and quantity required.

  • 2018

    In order to pack our products ready for customers, we decided to purchase a tray packaging system. This enables us to manufacture and label convenience products ready for supermarket shelves.

  • 2020

    Installation of a photovoltaic system at the company in Graz and in Weiz. Due to the sustainable development of our company, we have decided to build a photovoltaic system in order to be self-sufficient and environmentally friendly. In addition, we have several storage facilities in Graz, which enable us to use electricity in the most efficient way. The total output of our photovoltaic system is 117MWh (megawatt hours) per year at both locations.

  • 2022

    In order to meet new customer demands and the requirement of using less plastic and eco-friendly cardboard instead, we have purchased a flat-skin packaging machine. This means that the finished product is only around 10% packed in plastic, and 90% in cardboard.  

  • 2024

    Im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit, bieten wir nun auch regalfertige Produkte in einer Karton-Tasse an. Vom klassischen Kalbs-Schnitzel über Kalbs-Ossobuco, Kalbskarreesteaks und viele weitere Spezialitäten vom Kalb sind wir ab sofort flexibler und stellen diese wahlweise in Karton- oder (wie gewohnt) in Kunststoff-Tassenverpackungen her.
